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What does a good folding ambulance stretcher need to do?
 Dec 20, 2022|View:478

The folding ambulance stretcher is one of the most important pieces of life-saving equipment required in a hospital or medical facility. It is used by the emergency ambulance service to transfer patients to the hospital more quickly and safely using an ambulance stretcher. So what does an ambulance stretcher need to do to provide good support and protection for patients?

folding ambulance stretcher

1. Foldable construction

The folding ambulance stretcher has a collapsible structure. This is to make it easier to fold and move the stretcher into the ambulance to make better use of the space available in the ambulance. It also helps to adjust the height of the stretcher to the needs of the operator.

2. Adjustable backrest

For the comfort of the patient, the folding ambulance stretcher backrest can be adjusted at an angle, which can help patients suffering from pulmonary distress or breathing difficulties.

3. Safety belt

A good folding ambulance stretcher needs to include a safety belt. This helps the patient to remain stationary on the stretcher in a moving ambulance. It avoids any additional injury to the patient and helps to transfer the patient to the hospital bed without slipping.

4. Equipped with guard rails

The ambulance stretcher is designed with reversible guard rails on both sides to protect the patient during the transfer and to avoid secondary injuries caused by the patient falling off the stretcher during the transfer.

5. Large load-bearing capacity

It must be able to carry heavy patients. It should be made of a high-quality metal alloy that can withstand heavy weights. The alloy also helps to keep the stretcher lightweight.

6. Comfortable and hygienic

The cushion on the stretcher must provide comfort for the patient in pain. It should not cause pressure on the patient's back. In addition, the fabric used must not infect them and can be easily disinfected if required.

7. Freedom of movement

The ambulance stretcher must be equipped with strong and durable wheels to allow smooth and rapid movement of the patient.

8. Accessories

To provide better ambulance support for the patient, the ambulance stretcher also needs to be equipped with the necessary accessories, such as head immobilization, saline holder, pillow, oxygen bottle holder, etc.

These are the features of a good folding ambulance stretcher and we hope they will be of help to you. If you have any further questions or requirements, please feel free to contact us directly.

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